WORK PERFORMED / Design & Branding

Project West Branding for AWS: created the branding, logo, and visual identity for the prime onboarding program focused on the Inclusive, Equity, and Diversity “must-have” knowledge for every new hire (1,140 New Hires since the program branding inception). Delivered the usage guidelines, graphic implementation, variations, and exceptions.

Project West Brand Guidelines was finished and delivered on November 2022. These guidelines include Branding Process, graphic structure, color & form variations, allowed uses, and diverse graphic assets.

What is Project West?

AWS new onboarding buddy program, known as Project West, will be a cohort with tenured Black, Latinx or Native American Amazonian assigned to help newly hired or transferred Black, Latinx, Native American and Women employees, in the US, navigate their first 90 days.


Branding Process

After several meetings with the AWS team to discuss the branding needs for Project West, all the parts were aligned on creating a logo that symbolizes its core purpose, dimension, and identity.

Four graphic options were presented, and Version 1.3 (option C) was selected through voting. The details of the graphic design and architecture are described in the document.


The graphic structure of the Project West logo follows the AWS graphical line-up based on the principles of inclusion, direction, fusion, location, and positioning. In addition, it encompasses a unique concept of collaboration and partnership of mentor and mentee embracing a unique and memorable journey towards the same purpose and direction.




ODS'23 Design